Corinthian Mark Proclamation
Everyone had a good night at Corinthian Mark Lodge No1052 on 26 October. The October meeting is the Installation meeting, but this year it was just a proclamation, because the Worshipful Master, WBro John Bruffell had been elected to do a second year in the chair.
Representing the Provincial Grand Master for the night was VWBro Derek Horrocks and he was accompanied for the night by VWBro Eric Hughes and WBro Steve Walls the PGM’s Special Rep for the Liverpool group of Mark and RAM lodges.
Once the Worshipful Master had opened the Lodge there was an In Memorial for VWBro David Anderton, PGJO, who had passed to higher service on 26th April 2023. The eulogy was given by WBro Syd Ford. Later on in the agenda was a ballot for a joining member WBro Adrian Williams and this proved successful. Now it was time for the DC, WBro Chris Walls to proclaim WBro John Bruffell, Master of Corinthian Mark Lodge for the following year.
I long ago ran out of things to say about the quality of WBro Chris’ ritual, but it was excellent as usual. WBro John Bruffell then appointed his offices for the new season. With the offices in place, it was time for the addresses. VWBro Eric Hughes gave the Wardens address and WBro Stewart Hyde gave the Overseers address.
Then VWBro Derek Horrocks addressed the Brethren and this completed the trio of addresses. All three had been done in fine style. The next item of business was an explanation of the Mark Tracing board given by WBro Alan Ledger, WM of Coronation Mark 563. This was an excellent presentation which was fully appreciated by all present and greeted with warm applause.
With the Lodge closed it was time for dinner. In his reply to the toast VWBro Derek Horrocks emphasised the importance of recruitment not only for the Mark Degree but also for Craft. If there are not Craft Masons then there is not a pool to recruit from for the Mark.
VWBro Horrocks also called everyone’s attention to the new tri-fold Mark leaflet and Magic of the Mark place Card. We wish WBro John Bruffell and Corinthian Mark a happy and successful year.
Words and pictures Derek Gaskell